Track sign:
Sprint Duathlon : 4.7 km, with orange tracksign
Obstacle Challenge: 2 km, with red tracksign
Starting and Finish Line& Drinkstation information:
July 12th Elite Sprint Duathlon: 4.7 km
Start and Finish Line: Cultural Square
Drink station: Start and Finish Line
July 13th Open Group Obstacle Challenge: 2km
Start and Finish Line: Mongolian Khanate
Track information:
July 12th Elite Group Sprint Duathlon :4.7 km
Track : Cycling 2.2 km → Enter the changing zone → Running 1.4 km → Enter the changing zone → Cycling 1.1 km
Please refer to the rules of the KOG KidsChallenge for details.
July 13th Open Group Obstacle Challenge:2km
Track : Obstacle Surrounding → Accumulation of Fewer Points → Hohhot Arigala → Aerial Crossing → Suriharibuna → Knowledge Task Point → Brave Climbing of High Peaks → Bok
Please refer to the rules of the KOG KidsChallenge for details.