It was a fantastic start of the week for Nordic Ways as the Xiwuqi Municipal Government extended the contract for the development and practical implementation of the Genghis Khan MTB Adventure and Grassland Marathon for another five years until 2017! Mr Erdenmenk, Chief Governor of Xiwuqi, and Mr Niclas Hellqvist, Managing Director of Nordic Ways, signed the agreement in Beijing last Monday.
In addition, Mr Erdenmenk stated that plans for building a brand new multiple star hotel are in a very advanced stage, implying that soon the Genghis Khan event can cater for even more participants. Nordic Ways is of course delighted with the strong, industrious and hearty cooperation with the Xiwuqi Municipal Government, and is looking forward to another five years – not only of Genghis Khan Festival, but also of the traditional sprint and medium-distance stages of the wintertime China Tour de Ski, which is also hosted by Xiwuqi. It is the kind of relationship that Nordic Ways is always aiming for: committed and with a long-term development plan. The success of this year’s Genghis Khan Festival pre-registration also proves this is the way to go. We are looking forward to seeing ever more runners and mountainbikers in the Xiwuqi grasslands, and to undertaking a bunch of new initiatives that will further enhance the status of the Genghis Khan MTB Adventure and Grassland Marathon in China and Asia.